D Block Coworking Space Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

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The D Block coworking space in Tbilisi offers a dynamic and collaborative environment for professionals in various fields. To ensure everyone has a productive and enjoyable experience, following specific etiquette guidelines is essential.  Here are some do’s and don’ts to remember while using the D Block coworking space.


Respect Personal Space

Do be mindful of other people's personal space. Give the person beside you enough room to work comfortably and avoid intruding into their workspace. If you need to have a conversation, ensure it’s appropriate and won’t disturb those around you.

Keep Noise Levels Down

Do maintain a quiet and respectful noise level. Use headphones for calls or listening to music, and avoid loud conversations in shared areas. If you need to take a call, step into designated areas like phone booths or meeting rooms to keep the noise from disturbing others.

Treat Everyone with Respect and Dignity

Treat everyone in the coworking space with respect and dignity. D Block values inclusivity, equality, and mutual respect. Avoid engaging in any behaviour that could be considered discriminatory or offensive. Respecting these values helps create a welcoming and supportive environment for all members.

Stick to the Schedule

Do adhere to your scheduled space usage and bookings. Punctuality ensures that everyone has equal access to the coworking space’s amenities. If you book a meeting room or a specific desk, use it only for the allocated time to avoid inconveniencing others.

Keep Your Belongings Safe

Keep an eye on your belongings. While D Block provides a secure environment with surveillance cameras and a dedicated security team, taking personal responsibility for your items is essential. If you lose something, promptly report it to the staff, who will assist you in locating it.

Clean Up After Yourself

Clean up your workspace after use. Whether using a desk, meeting room, or kitchen area, leave it tidy for the next person. Dispose of trash properly and wipe down surfaces if necessary. A clean environment is essential for maintaining a pleasant workspace for everyone.

Follow the Fire Drill Procedures

Do familiarise yourself with the evacuation exits and fire drill procedures displayed at D Block. In an emergency, follow the instructions provided to ensure your safety and the safety of others.

Use the WiFi Responsibly

Use the WiFi responsibly and protect your devices with up-to-date antivirus software. While D Block provides a reliable internet connection, securing your devices is important to prevent security breaches.


Don’t Disturb Others

Don’t create unnecessary distractions. Loud conversations, phone calls, and disruptive behaviour can interfere with others' productivity. Always be considerate and keep noise to a minimum.

Don’t Browse Others' Belongings

Don’t browse or tamper with other people’s belongings. Respect their privacy and personal space. If you need to borrow something, always ask for permission first.

Don’t Overstay Your Booking

Don’t overstay your booked time for meeting rooms or workspaces. Overstaying can disrupt others who have scheduled the space after you. If you need more time, check with the staff to see if an extension is possible.

Don’t Engage in Discriminatory Behaviour

Don’t engage in any discriminatory or offensive behaviour. D Block promotes a culture of diversity and inclusion. Discrimination or harassment is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

Don’t Leave Confidential Information Unattended

Don’t leave confidential or sensitive information unattended. Protect your work and personal data by ensuring it’s always secure. If you need to step away, take your belongings with you or ensure they are safe.

Don’t Ignore Safety Procedures

Don’t ignore the safety and fire drill procedures. Following the outlined procedures in an emergency is crucial to ensure your safety and the safety of others in the workspace.

Don’t Misuse the Internet

Don’t misuse the internet connection provided by D Block. Avoid downloading illegal content, visiting inappropriate websites, or engaging in activities that could compromise the network’s security. Responsible internet usage ensures a safe and reliable connection for all members.

Don’t Damage Workspace Property

Don’t damage any property within the coworking space. Be careful with the furniture, equipment, and amenities provided. If you accidentally cause damage, report it to the staff immediately so they can address it promptly.

Final Thoughts

Following these do’s and don’ts ensures that D Block remains a productive, respectful, and enjoyable coworking environment for everyone. By respecting personal space, keeping noise levels down, and treating everyone with dignity, you contribute to a positive atmosphere that benefits all members. Remember to follow the guidelines; if you have any questions or need assistance, our staff is always available to help. Happy coworking!